Full Report On the Alleged Alien
Implant Removed Some time ago I wrote an open letter regarding the scientific findings of a possible implant that was removed from a scientist who has been code-named "John Smith." However, one key finding can be understood by examining the chart below which shows that the putative implant that was removed from "scientist John Smith" has isotope ratios which are very much different than those which are normally found in terrestrial materials. I thus believe it is proper to say that the removed object has (or had) non-terrestrial isotope ratios. That would be consistent with the object having been constructed in a stellar system other than ours. Regarding the 2.2% isotope shift of the Boron-10 isotope in the examined object, if the shift is due to a weak electron-capture process that leads to Beryllium-10, then the object could have come from a stellar system which began to evolve approximately 100 million years in advance of our solar system. That would be 00.022 * 4.6 Billion Years or roughly 100 million years. It is thus conceivable that the alleged implant came from a civilization that began its stellar evolution roughly 100 million years in advance of ours.